Take Action for Vermont Family Farms
Vermont’s family farms have always been there for us. They are the very lifeblood of our community. But now they’re fighting for survival after historic flooding, extreme weather, and crippling rains. With nearly $45M in losses across the state, they need our help, now. Here are some things you can do to help.
Whether you’re able to give $5 or $5,000, every dollar helps Vermont’s family farms recover. Interested in a higher level of support? Contact Roberta@RPMteamventures.com to learn about sponsorship opportunities.
Share on social media
Stand with Vermont farmers by sharing the ask on social media. Be sure to tag Dig Deep Vermont’s social media accounts (you can find them below) so that people can easily get the links to donate.
Promote through your business
You can add Dig Deep Vermont links and signage to your local business’s online and in person properties. If you’re a business owner, you can match employee’s donations. We need every resident and tourist capable of donating, to Dig Deep for Vermont farmers. Visit the Toolkit.